Children’s Dental


Children’s Dental

At My Dental Curtin we love kids of all ages! And your kids will love us!

Just like you, we want your children to enjoy the dentist,  to feel confident about their smile and their oral health and to feel safe and trusting when they visit the dentist throughout their lifetime.

Dental confidence starts when we are children and is influenced by our early visits to the dentist.

If your kids have a positive dental experience, then they will continue to feel positive about their oral health and visiting the dentist.

Why should you trust us with your kid’s dental care?

  • We have a dedicated waiting room just for kids which we call our Kids’s cave!
  • We have a gentle caring dental team who are highly qualified and experienced in caring for children and teens of all ages, and with all needs. They know the developmental stages of growth and what oral development should have occurred and will occur as a child grows.
  • Our dental team is all female. Our experience shows this is important to some young female children, and female teenagers when participating in their dental appointments.
  • We have a dedicated hygienist on site who is very experienced with children of all ages.
  • Our hygienist offers fun, educational sessions with children and parents to help them develop practical skills in at – home oral care such as brushing, flossing, toothbrush and toothpaste choices and what to expect as a child grows and develops. We can also discuss whitening options for young adults.
  • We make custom mouthguards to protect young teeth during sports. Our mouthguards also come in some seriously funky colours!
  • We offer Invisalign orthodontic services. Our senior dentist is Invisalign trained and very experienced in managing Invisalign treatment with children and teens of all ages.
  • We have designed our practice to be relaxing and family friendly, to accommodate kids and teenagers and their special quirks and needs.

Your kids will love our Kids Cave!

We have a dedicated Kids Cave. It’s a relaxing – screen free chill zone designed for kids. It is  separate from our usual reception patient waiting area.  The design of the Cave and purchase of our activities, toys and puzzles was completed by qualified and experienced childcare  professionals.

Our cave includes.

  • Sensory toys.
  • Age-appropriate games, activities, and puzzles.
  • Relaxing, kid friendly furniture.
  • Take-away activities they can finish at home.

Our Kid’s Cave is fully sanitised and cleaned between use.

We support the Medicare funded Child Dental Benefit Scheme.

  • The Child Dental Benefit Scheme covers a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.
  • Eligible children and families can claim $1052 in free dental* services through the Australian Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).
  • * Treatment is free when services covered by the Commonwealth Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule are bulk billed by participating Practitioners for treatments provided to eligible patients.
About My Detal Curtin

We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.
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